
Let's Talk

Strong Wellness Quiz: are we a good fit for you?

1. Have you lost and gained the same weight more than three times but been unable
to keep it off for more than a few months?

2. Do you think about your next meal while eating the current meal?

3. Have you practiced restrictive eating or strict calorie counting to lose weight?

4. Do you think about your weight every day?

5. Have you thought, “Why can’t I figure this out when I am successful in so many
other areas of my life?”

6. Are you constantly looking for the next quick fix- shake, meal plan, app, exercise
program, cleanse, or restrictive diet to get the weight off?

7. Have you ever thought, “I’ll just cut out ‘bad’ food to get the weight off and once
its off I’ll be able to eat all foods in moderation?

8. Do you use the scale as the sole measure of your success?

9. Do you exercise to lose weight?

10. Have you ever felt alone-like the only person who can’t lose weight or keep it off?

If you answered “yes” to at least half of the questions, we have good news: there is a solution.
Merely changing the types of food you eat, and how much you exercise are simply addressing
your symptoms with a band aid. At Strong Wellness, we address the root cause of your choices.
We meet you where you are. You will not get a meal plan, calorie counter, or exercise program.
What you will get is far more valuable: a solution to lose the weight, and keep it off, for good. We
provide you with in-depth one on one coaching to figure out why you make the choices you do
around food, as well as the thoughts and feelings behind them. We help you build awareness,
decide how you want to think and feel about your choices, and then give you the tools to reach
your goals.

If that sounds like your kind of journey, we would love to schedule a complimentary goal setting
session. I believe in you. Let’s do this.

Founder and CEO, Strong Wellness